April-May-June- Driest 3 spring months I can remember. July- about a foot of rain. Water table as high as it gets. Trees, shrubs, established perennials growing great, some seedlings struggling.
Terrible rust on Hollyhocks- not sure I want to keep growing these. Some Salvia, Sedum, Lychnis suffering from rain, humidity. Two broods of Song Sparrows, one nesting on the ground in Creeping Phlox, one two feet up in clump of Daylilies. Both groups of youngsters left the nest before they could fly, they could run like hell though, and hide themselves in my garden. Three female Hummingbirds (or an immature male?) constantly patrolling the gardens, enjoying Bee Balm, Cardinal Flowers, and now the native Touch-Me-Nots. Ironweed blooming early? Mice, vole, mole and chipmunk numbers continue. I need a den of large Eastern King Snakes. Late summer small MOSQUITOS are relentless for 2 weeks now. These kind don't fool around. They don't waste time buzzing around, they attack instantly, zeroing in on my legs, despite my wife calling them chicken legs.
AuthorKenneth Rice, owner Log Cabin Perennials Archives
October 2021
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